Reader Comments: 2004

28 Feb. 2004


Thank you very much for the teaching on Kingdom Violence - Matthew 11:12. I have pondered this for years and was never satisfied with the commentaries! I feel like a light was turned on! Truly the word is a lamp unto our feet!

I will pray for you, your ministry and Israel!



10 Mar 2004

Hi Avram,

I'm Chris' wife. I have been reading your article about the Law during my break at work. Chris has been sharing with me and helping me understand the Word of God.

I just wanted to tell you that you have been a blessing to Chris and me. I have learned so much about the Law and what the Bible says about it since Chris started corresponding with you.

I was saved in 1999 and was taught by the Church the way you described in your writing. However, I was always confused because their teaching made the Bible seem to contradict and yet I knew that God will not contradict His own Word. Sadly, I wasn't diligent enough to dig out the truth myself and just went along with the confusion.

Now it all makes sense to me and I have never been so clear about what the New Testiment has to say about the Law.

Thank you Avram and praise God for leading us to you and your website.

ug. 2004

Dear Avram & Ruti,

Thank you so much for your prayers! :-) Our loving Father is so faithful. Such wonderful answers to prayers I am seeing in my son just lately.

Please know that your letters bless me sooo much. I attended the Messianic conference a couple weeks ago. Really enjoyed it, but at one point I asked the congregation leader to give me Scripture for something I was being asked to accept that I felt was an opinion. He argued with me, the moment became quite tense, then he told me to disprove his opinion by the Scriptures.

I felt that was a very sad commentary on his teaching, as I didn't mean to argue, but to learn the Scriptural basis for his teaching... but never got it... and probably won't, as I do not believe Scripture supports him in that particular point (that's why I was asking for Scriptural back-up). He's a fine man and quite sincere, but I do not want man's opinions (no matter how good): I want the Word. I appreciate so much the way you always use Scripture, Scripture, Scripture.

Something very interesting has been happening in my spiritual life lately... other than all the tests and "siftings"... and to be honest with you, I feel that I have failed miserably a number of the tests. But one morning I was talking with the Lord (while I was brushing my teeth, actually), about the cultural differences between Jews and Gentiles. I have some very dear Gentile friends who are really "into" Messianic Christianity and try to do what they call "living the Torah".

A lot of their language and expressions are new to me, so I can only follow so much of it (and what I can follow, I'm slow at!)... so, there I was, talking to God about it... telling Him, "I'm a Gentile, what's the big deal?"

I remember telling Him (or, thinking to Him) about all the missionaries who, when going to different cultures, do not relate Jewishness to those cultures, but try to interject Jesus into their aboriginal/hippie/whatever culture.

And this thought came slamming into my brain like lightning: Look at all the trouble God went to -- taking one man (Abraham); raising up a people-group from him; teaching them all of the particulars of how He wanted to be worshipped and approached -- so that they (the Jews) could then teach the rest of the world how to worship and approach God. That's the big deal! I'm dealing with... where do I go from here? Does this mean I need to learn and begin to celebrate the Feasts, etc? Do I need to "convert"? Jesus is my Messiah, no doubt about that. But I have (comfortably) been a Spirit-filled Methodist (as I believe you were at one time). DO I need to start with Jewish Christianity 101? .


And, of course, I'm praying for all of those you mentioned in your missive. I am so delighted at your wonderful "congregation"! :-D One of my very evangelical Messianic friends (the Torah fellow I mentioned) is my son's age. He is in India as a missionary right now.

I do so love my Messiah. I am miserably aware of my failures, but my love for Him is deeper than the failures. He is my all! If He is calling me into a new walk with Him, I want to go.... the "big deal" is that I follow Him, and not get off-track in any way.

Your prayers are always appreciated.

Love in our wonderful Messiah,

Trish H.

Dear Trish,

Shalom: May His Wisdom and Spirit continue to guide you.

I just love how the Spirit of Jesus came to you with Father Abraham, and Israel learning the ways of Yahveh. So pure and so true. That's another way that we can know it's of God. And you're right. It is a big deal to worship Jesus that way He wants.

As for this Messianic thing, there are many that the Lord is leading into what I call the Hebraic perspective. Messianic Judaism, which is supposed to be that, many times is bogged down in 'Jewish things' that can be just as idolatrous as Sunday and Easter (which I'll comment on in just a moment). So, as you travel this Road, feel free to ask me for feedback on what you may be being fed (by Messianics). I've been on this Road of Yeshua for twenty years and it's truly quite amazing in its richness, purity and Truth. But anything True also has a satanic counterfeit. So, ask before swallowing : )

When we first said 'Yes' to Jesus, we may or may not have realized it but part of what that meant is that He would mold us into servants like Him. I was once a Baptist, an independent Charismatic, and a Spirit filled Methodist, but when the time came, the Lord by His Spirit moved me on from them into a deeper understanding of Who He is. It not only meant church address changes but internal changes as to how I thought of Him (what does He require of us), and how I literally walked. I was born a Jew and now I walk as a Jew who loves Messiah Yeshua and Moses.

In most of Christianity, Catholic, Protestant and Pentecostal, etc., there is the open denigration of the Law of Moses when it's brought up. Some accept the Ten Commandments, with their 'slight' change of the Fourth Commandment (the 7th day Sabbath to Sunday), while others just accept the 'moral' laws of Moses (love God and neighbor and 'be free!'). And the Church offers 'proof texts' for this. Scriptures like we're 'not under the Law' anymore, and Christ came 'to set us free' are used to support this theological position. And at one time, I walked in this, until the Holy Spirit showed me that the Law of Moses was still valid, and their interpretation of those verses was not. The Law is God's instructions to us who live in His Kingdom on Earth, saved by Yeshua's Sacrifice.

We know that the Word doesn't contradict itself. If God says that murder is wrong in the Old, than it's safe to assume that murder is still wrong. Jesus, speaking about 'heart murder' in Matt. 5, that if we hate our brother, we have 'murdered' him and have transgressed the Commandment, did not do away with the Mosaic Commandment not to murder. Jesus was showing us what the 'center' or 'core' or essence of the Commandment was.

'We' are the problem, not God's holy Law. We must die to self so our murderous and adulterous heart is nullified so we can walk in His Ways.

When we place the Church's use of 'not under the Law' any longer, and 'Christ came to fulfill the Law and so it's done away with', and 'the Law was only for the Jews,' etc., against some of the words of Jesus and the Apostles concerning the Law, we see at once that a problem or contradiction exists, at least in how the Church understands those Scriptures. The following is only a partial list, with a brief summary, of Scripture that presents the Law as holy and good and valid. Note the different 'authors' and speakers, including our Lord:

1. Matt. 5:17-19: Here are the very words of Jesus concerning the Law: 'I have not come to abolish the Law'. 'Till Heaven and Earth pass away, not one letter or artistic flurry shall depart from the Law'. And, 'the man who breaks the least of the Law's Commandments, shall be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven'. Yeshua was speaking about keeping the least of the Commandments after the Resurrection, as the Kingdom of Heaven didn't begin till then.

2. Matt. 22:34-40: All the Commandments derive from love of God or neighbor. The Law of Moses is God's definition of loving Him and our neighbor.

3. Matt. 24:20: Here we see Yeshua speaking of a tribulation that has not yet come upon the Earth and He is concerned for women who are pregnant and nursing in that day, that they wouldn't have to flee from Jerusalem in the winter, because of the cold, or on a Sabbath. (As this was written by Matthew many years after the Resurrection, it shows us also that the Sabbath was being kept then too.)

4. Luke 16:17: Although the preceding verse seems to indicate that the Law was only 'till John the Baptist', this verse tells us that an interpretation that the Law was done away with at 'John's time', in lieu of the Kingdom of God, is false. Here again we see Yeshua telling us that the Law is more established than even the Heavens and the Earth. And this is as it should be, for the Law is actually the Word of God, written down.

5. John 15:10: Keep the Father's Commandments, just as Yeshua did.

6. Acts 21:20-24: All Christians kept the Law and Paul took the Vow of the Nazirite to show that he kept the Law too. This Vow entails sacrifice (Num. 6:13-14, 18), and most Christian commentators agree that it's the Nazarite Vow (with sacrifice). They don't understand it, but it's too plain to disregard it.

7. Acts 22:12: Ananias, the man who heals Paul, is 'a devout keeper of the Law' (Acts 9:10-18). He's obviously a believer in Yeshua too.

8. Acts 23:5: Paul, in his righteous anger, tells the High Priest that he is a white washed grave. On finding out that it was the High Priest, Paul, instead of saying something like, 'I recognize no High Priest other than Jesus!', actually backs down and quotes a Scripture from the Law of Moses for doing so (Ex. 22:28). If the Law had been done away with for Paul, we don't see it here.

9. Acts 25:8: Paul tells us he keeps the Law.

10. Romans 3:31: The Law is established by faith in Yeshua for our life-style of holiness. Yeshua showed us the definition of loving God with all one's heart (Dt. 6:4-5), and loving one's neighbor as themself (Lev. 19:18), by His sacrificial death on the tree. Out of this kind of love, is the Law to be observed by us who desire to be like Him.

11. Romans 7:7, 12, 14: The Law shows us what is sin. The Law is spiritual and holy.

12. 1st Cor. 5:6-8: Paul exhorts the Corinthians to keep the Feast of Passover.

13. 1st Cor. 7:19: Paul tells us to keep the Commandments of God. This is what matters.

14. Heb. 4:9: 'A Sabbath rest remains for the people of God.' Unfortunately, both the KJV and the NKJV only have 'rest' and not 'Sabbath rest' even though the Textus Receptus has Sabbatismos. (Other translations though, have Sabbath rest.) Sabbatismos means a literal observance of the Sabbath. The author is symbolically speaking of the Sabbath rest of Eternity in the New Jerusalem. By the author's use of Sabbatismos, without his need to defend it, we see that he took it for granted that all were keeping the Sabbath, and he used it to point to the Eternal Sabbath. He couldn't have used it as such, if Sunday had replaced the Sabbath day. What good would speaking of the Sabbath rest do, if Sunday had replaced it?

15. Heb. 8:10: This tells us what God intended by giving us the New Covenant: to write His Law on our hearts.

16. Heb. 8:13: Tells us that the Old Covenant is still with us: not yet disappeared but is ready to disappear. This affirms the words of Jesus when He said, 'till Heaven and Earth disappear, not one letter or artistic flurry shall depart from the Law'. The Mosaic Covenant will depart when the New Heavens come into focus. The Law is still for Israel today, both Jew and Gentile who love Yeshua.

Trish, you are embarking on another journey through the Wilderness of this world's theology. You have been at a number of oases before and now the Lord, by His Spirit is leading you to another oasis. This may be the last one before He comes as He is preparing His Bride to worship Him, the way that He desires to be worshipped. You see, with wrong theology, one has a perverse and sinful walk or practice. Sunday is not the Sabbath of Yeshua. If it were, it would be found in the New Testament in at least two places (two witnesses). And Easter is not the day of the Lord Yeshua's (Jesus') resurrection. Easter was a pagan holy day a thousand years before Jesus rose from the dead. So too with Sunday! Pagan through and through. Besides, whatever hour the women came to the tomb on Sunday, Yeshua was gone. And Scripture is silent as to the day or the hour of His resurrection. We know it couldn't be at Easter sunrise because in some accounts it was still dark when they came. I think He rose on the Sabbath. For more on that see First Sheaf in the Feasts of Israel section. (And if you want to know why Mark 16:9 doesn't count for a Sunday A.M. resurrection, ask me and I'll tell you.) Yahveh says in Malachi 3:6:

'For I, Yahveh, do not change; therefore you, Oh Sons of Jacob, are not consumed.'

Of course, this is what is said about our Lord Yeshua in Hebrews 13:8:

'Yeshua the Messiah is the same yesterday and today and forever.'

If that is the case, and it is, why would the Sabbath and Passover, etc., go by the way of the Dodo, and Christians, in their 'freedom' observe the holy days of Satan? Is that freedom? Is that what Christ came to do?

He came to set us free from Satan, sin, death and sickness, not Yahveh's holy Law which Yeshua kept, in those Commandments that applied to Him. Not all Yahveh's Commandments apply to everyone all the time. For instance, Yeshua wasn't a Levitical priest while on Earth and so He didn't offer sacrifice in the Temple as a Temple official.

As for the new lingo, it'll grow on you as you walk in it and hear it more. As for the Messianic pastor/rabbi who got upset with you for challenging him as to where in Scripture his foundation was, I am sorry that you had to endure that. It is a shame and it is sin; he transgressed against you, even if he wasn't aware of his behavior and even if it wasn't intentional. It wasn't Yeshua's love speaking to you.

Where to begin? You've already begun! Just keep following the Spirit of Yeshua. Ask, and it will be given to you. 'Not much' has changed; you still love Jesus; you're just finding that some of what you once thought was of Him, turns out to be of Satan. He's not called the Deceiver for nothing. Now you're entering into a realm where you will truly begin to see just how great the deception has been.

Not all Church theology is wrong. For instance, Jesus is still deity in the flesh and only in His Name (whatever language you choose), can true salvation and the Holy Spirit come. Only in Him can we intimately know the Father now, and be wedded on Judgment day. He still calls us to be totally dedicated to Him and fully surrendered. This is Scripture and part of good Church teaching. (I know there are churches today that would argue about 'fully surrendered' etc., but they, as well as their perverse theology are wrong. The Lord is recalibrating you : ) And you thought you were past that?

Glad to hear that your boy is responding to Yeshua's prompting. Will continue to pray for him and his brother.

You don't need to convert. You are a Gentile who, by the grace of the God of Israel, is really part of Israel (Rom. 9-11). Now you are learning that you are more a part of it than you ever thought. Praise Yeshua. The Gentile has been grafted into Israel and must learn the ways of Israel as these ways are of God. You are now part of the Commonwealth of Israel (Eph. 2). You, as adopted, don't change the family rules. You learn what the family rules are and adjust your life accordingly. Anything else is ignorance and rebellion.

Again, as to where to start, first become fully persuaded that Jesus indeed wants you to walk in the Law or as it's called in Hebrew, the Torah (Torah literally means 'teaching' or 'instruction' and it's only Moses' cause God gave it to him, to give to Israel.) God is the author of the Law and as such it's a pure reflection of both His character and His desire for us. Yeshua came along and revealed its core or essence to us so that we, hopefully unlike those wicked Pharisees, won't delude ourselves into thinking that we are walking with Him when we are not. What's in the heart will reveal itself in practice. As you are fully persuaded, you can begin to walk in these things like Sabbath and Feast days, etc. Others will 'question' you: 'You're not a Jew! What are you doing?! We're not under the Law any more! If you keep the Law you will go to Hell!' and other such loving questions of grace and prophecy : )

Don't worry, you're in good company. If they called Jesus a servant of the Devil, what do you think they (the religious community), will call you? It won't be the secular people that'll get on your case for your reversal in direction into the Law. It'll be 'well, intentioned' Christians who are deceived and walking in darkness, even though they may love Jesus and be saved.

Look up all the Scripture on the Sabbath and Seventh day. This will give you a good feel or sense for what it means to God. Begin to walk in it.

Check out my writings on the Feasts. You'll see an extensive understanding of them and symbolism for Messiah Yeshua, that doesn't 'do away with them' but on the contrary, enhances and magnifies them.

Read Law 102 the theological justification for the Law. Or, Set My People Free! Acts 15:20. It breaks wide open the Church's stance on that the Law of Moses 'not being for us.'

Read them all as I believe they'll give you a solid foundation from which to view other things from. And as for paganism in Judaism and Jewish things which many Messianics don't realize or want to realize, I have some articles in the Articles section that you might find interesting:

The Kipa


Talmud and Authority


The last one, Kabbalah, is very dangerous. It's Babylonian mysticism in Jewish 'clothes'. When we Jews were captive in Babylon, in Jeremiah's time, we picked up a lot of strange doctrines and ideas that are still with 'us'. Kabbalah is dangerous because it deals with demons. The Jews who do it think they are 'closer to God'. The power of deception is in its ability to deceive.

The God of Israel, the God of Messiah Yeshua, is calling you into a 'no man's land.' The whole Truth is not in the Church. It is perverted concerning the Law and other things (anti-Semitic, etc.). And so is Judaism, and Messianic Judaism, which too many times, defaults to Judaism which is anti-Messiah and anti-Holy Spirit. Yeshua is drawing you closer to Himself. In Him is all God's Truth and He is calling you to walk with Him in this 'no man's land.' There is Truth in both Camps and there is Falsehood in both. Yahveh is pure and holy. In Him there is no mixing of Truth and Falsehood.

We love you, Trish. We'll continue to pray that Yeshua leads you deeper into Him,

Avram & Ruti

And then Trish wrote back and said:

29 Aug 2004

Avram, I have just finished reading your Set My People Free! Acts 15:20. What marvelous research and writing you do! I appreciate your well-thought out, reasoned thru, prayed thru (I'm sure), and Spirit-led thru articles. What a blessing you are to all of us newbies!

Thank you and may He bless you for sharing with us without charging for your information!

I enjoy reading your articles very much. You're very thorough... that's like saying that water is wet.... ;-D

Love in Messiah,

Trish H.

Dear Trish,

Loved the 'water is wet' on the thorough-ness of my articles : ) Thanks. Appreciate that very much. The Lord has made me a gift for His Body. He has opened my eyes to His Torah, which literally means, His Instruction or His Teaching. It's for us, all that applies to us. And all that have eyes to see, and ears to hear.

And thanks for noting that I don't charge for the information and understanding. I have been given it freely, and so I delight in passing it on to any and all who have been led to walk this Way.

As for SMPF! Acts 15:20, it's the first in the sense of 'most powerful' writings (although Law 102 is not too far behind). What I have on the web is an older version of what I have at a publisher now. The web site's version is about 45 pages. A couple of years ago I began revising it and added a few more things to it (like a deeper background for cult harlotry among the pagan nations, and also ancient Israel, to give a more vital sense to how Yakov (James), saw the issue with the new Gentile believers coming in; an expanded section for the Greek meaning of the word 'fornication'; etc.), and it's about 150 pages. Lord willing, it'll be published within the next year and people will be able to read it and adjust their lives accordingly.

In the Name of Yeshua, our Messiah,


Tuesday, 14 Sep 2004
(Bonnie was referring to the article: No Longer Under the Law)


Thank you for your words of wisdom about the Law. I Love what you wrote at the end of the page. We keep the Law because this is the Will of God for all His people, both Jew and Gentile who love Messiah Yeshua.

I do love Messiah. As I listen and learn more about the Law and all of it's freedom that it brings, I feel so complete in my awareness of what it means to be a Gentile and still be able to worship God in a Hebraic way. God knew how broken hearted I was when I was told that as a Gentile I did not have to keep God's Laws. The rejection that brought was as real as the feeling I have experienced in not knowing my biological Father.

Today I sit preparing to keep God's Holy Days. Thank You for not putting up fences Avram. You have not made us feel as Gentiles we need not to know the things of God. I know all don't agree with you. I think that God uses you to say 'Look! This is the God of Israel! Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth (the Law!),' so that all who come near might see the Mighty God of Israel.

Thank You,

14 Dec 2004

Dear Avram and Ruti,

I thank you so much for the excellent teaching on "The Rock". You are like a breath of fresh air, a cool glass of water in a parched desert.

To me a good teaching paints a picture of Messiah Yeshua, shows different aspects of His Glorious Beauty, and that is something you consistently do! That is so rare in these last days of treachery and deceptions.

It is obvious to me where you draw your wisdom and insight from, right from the feet of Messiah. Wouldn't it be lovely if we all drew our wisdom and understanding the good old fashioned way?

Again, thank you!

Pat J.

Dec. 6th, 2004

Dear Avram,

I would like to thank you for your website. I found it quite by accident, but it has been such a blessing. My husband and I have recently become aware of our call to obey the Torah. We have known for some time that all of the "Christian" holidays are pagan and we stopped celebrating those a few years ago.

We've also known that Sunday was a pagan day, not the Sabbath. We were called out of the church a couple of years ago and we've been on a constant quest for Truth from the Word. SO much of what we've been taught has been a perversion. We've known what's wrong and have turned from it, but we've floundered a bit on what's right. Although we had already recognized our oneness with Israel, we've not had good direction.

This gets me to the point of this note. Your writings have been wonderful for us. They are easy to understand and you've made it so much easier for us to explain our "weird" position to others. We look forward to experiencing the "Joys of Messianic Life".

Thank you so much.

Samuel & Donna

14 Dec

I printed out your suggested newsletters. They are excellent. We've read most of them and most of your articles. I have a couple comments (of course). Your testimony was heartbreaking. We could relate to your pain on several levels. I hope and pray that someday your boys find their way to your website. BTW, Sam was born the same month and year as you.

Regarding the article "Escape From Christendom", that would make a fine small book. Have you ever thought of publishing it? There are many published "Christian" books out there that are far less worthy. Sure would help with the expenses. As a matter of fact, compiling your articles into a book isn't a bad idea either.


Dear Donna,

I'm glad that you found the Jewish Newsletters helpful and insightful. The Lord has been very good to me. As for my boys, thank you for saying that you hope my sons will one day see the website. I've been hoping for that too, in His time. I noticed also you spoke of being able to relate to the pain on several levels. Those who have felt much pain are able to understand the pain of others.

As for the Escape from Christendom article, that's one of I think only five on my site that I didn't write (the others being two that I took from Alexander Hislop's book, the classic, The Two Babylons, and the articles on Christmas, and Thanksgiving Day, which I edited ever so slightly, as I did with the Christendom article).

That was a great idea about packaging the articles up into a sort of book and publishing them. Right now I'm praying that the three manuscripts I've got at a Messianic publisher will be published:

The first is an expansion of Set My People Free! Acts 15:20. On the web site it's about 45 pages but the manuscript is about 150 pages. It covers a lot more ground and has undergone some fine tuning.

The second is Mosaic Sacrifice After the Resurrection. This too is an expansion and fine tuning of what I've got listed under Sacrifice on the web.

And the third is Sam the Rock Thrower. It is my testimony interwoven with many times of witnessing here in the Land. It's very powerful, if I do say so myself, inspirational, education (in terms of how to witness to Jews), and just makes for good and easy reading (easy in the sense that it's not a theological paper).

Before the upheaval of the Citizenship Office and our move from Eilat to Ramat Gan, I was working on a fourth manuscript: Isaiah 53 and Our Ancient Sages. You can see a streamlined form of where I've gotten to, in the latest Jewish Newsletters, starting with number 28: A Three Day Old Bagel. You might want to familiarize yourself with that and 29, 30 & 31 as they continue to explain Isaiah 53 in light of ancient Jewish understanding and 'modern'. I should be sending out #32 to the printer in the States by Jan. 1st (the Post Offices here are open on that day). And hopefully, you should get the paper copy with cover sheet in your mailbox by Feb 15th. After that, it goes up on the web site (minus the cover sheet).

And then after Isaiah 53 there are a number of other books that I'd like to do but I don't know what His plans are concerning them.

Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004

Hello Avram & Ruti,

My name is MeLanie, and I stumbled upon your website last night while doing a search on David H Stern. I bought my husband "The Complete Jewish Bible" and we were so excited to read his point of view in the preface we had to find out more about him (I didn't find anything about him personally). Well, I ended up reading your article on Gentiles are not Jews (which was excellent) and was so interested in you that I had to read your story. I cried and praised the Lord while reading your story and I have to say you have my respect for the life you have chosen to live. I am also excited because your article gave me hope that there are like minded people out there. (And I know your pain of losing your children to your ex-spouse and the lies against you, I myself have been through a similar deal).

My husband and I have feel so alone. We are Gentiles going to a typical American Christian church. It was fine up until two years ago when God had us start questioning why we don't practice and teach the laws and why our teachings are so man centered.

My husband is an OSU graduate :-) (29) and myself (33) live in OK with our precious two year old daughter. Two years ago my husband started reading some articles from a Messianic Jew in Norman, OK by the name of Monte Judah. His teachings have challenged us in many great ways because he teaches the Torah with the New Testament which was very new to us.

We desperately need to be with like minded brethren. A Christmas tree in the sanctuary, Christians telling us that the Law was done away with and junk like that has taken its toll. We love the Lord and we know that mainstream Christianity has become its own religion that is very man centered and we are finally ready to leave it where as before we were not.

We have been studying on our own at home and still going to our "Christian church". It has been great, I have bought my husband every Jewish reference book he needs and he has been devouring them with study.

Thank you with all my heart!

In Christ,

MeLanie W.

PS, Avram, I spent two years in Tulsa (Pawhuska, Broken Arrow and Bartlesville) I thought it was neat to hear you were there to. I attended Victory Christian Center which was my first church experience. I gave my life to the Lord at 10 years old with my druggie mom and her live in boyfriend. They walked away from church and the Lord, but even as a teenager I would find a ride to youth group and never stopped following him, Praise the Lord!

14 Dec 2004


Thank you for your response and all the encouragement. I have tears of joy! I have so much to write and such a short time to do it! Just to know there is someone who is available to answer questions means the world to us. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking time to write. My husband has many questions and he can write you sometime on his own. I just have one question and that is what do we do and not do on the Sabbath? I have read that the orthodox Jews go to the extreme of not using light and then others are very liberal in their observing Sabbath. We bought a book called "What I wish my Christian friends knew about Judaism" it has been helpful but not knowing any Jews to ask about these things has made it difficult to understand.

I sent my husband your email at work. He is thrilled that you wrote back. You will love him. He is a very good man. He wishes he could have been a sophar (sp?) ha ha! Thats kinda a joke around our house. His personality is perfect for it. He could easily study the scriptures and write them all day and never grow bored.

My children are wonderful. I taught them about the Lord up until they were 10 and 7 around the time of the divorce. I get them on the weekends and we have wonderful moments together. Unfortunately they have forgotten a lot that I have taught them. I tell you this so that you can pray for them.

I will read all your articles when I get a chance and my husband too. Yes, you can put us on your mailing list, that would be wonderful.

In Christ,
MeLanie W.

15 Dec 2004



My wife MeLanie wrote to you today, and you so kindly responded. We both read your story on your web site, and we were both moved to tears.

I want to say thank you to you for your incredible faithfulness to Yeshua. You truly are a bond servant of Yeshua. Thank you for pouring your life out as a drink offering for us all.

Your web site is a wonderful resource of information and is extremely helpful.

We pray that YHVH restores your children to you soon.

Thank you for your faithfulness!!!!

With love,

Tommee W.

23 Dec 2004:

Dear Avram,

I have thought a lot about the Christian and Jewish symbols lately. I never realized how much I/we need symbols for outward appearances to say who we are without action on our part. I asked the Lord what is to represent us (I was thinking to myself I needed something) and the words "you will know them by their fruit" came to mind.

I realized then that God does not want us to have symbols to identify us as believers but its our actions towards others that will show the world, our light should shine so that they see with out a symbol who we are in Yeshua. In other words our physical symbol is our fruit.

MeLanie W.

23 Dec 2004

Dear Avram,

Thank you for your obedience and for sharing your story. For many years, God has been dealing with me on Jews and Judaism, almost to the point that I thought I was becoming obsessed on wanting knowledge and understanding of the Jewish people. I have considered converting to Judaism, but being a Christian, would not even consider giving up my belief in Jesus. I still haven't not found all, if any, of the answers, but I know God led me to your website for a reason. May God continue to bless you.

Doreyca H.