Teachings By
Avram Yehoshua
The Lifting of the Veil: Acts 15:20-21
Acts 15:20-21 establishes Mosaic Law (Torah) as a lifestyle for every believer by revealing that the four rules of James/Yakov (v. 20) weren’t given for table fellowship, as the Church teaches. The rules are a conceptual unit on pagan sacrificial-sexual idolatry. The Gentile believers had to sever themselves from it or their faith in Yeshua wouldn’t be genuine (cf. 2nd Timothy 1:3-5). These weren’t the only rules for the Gentiles, but the most important, as worship of other gods along with Yeshua would nullify their salvation. Yakov knew that the Gentile believers had been learning Torah in the synagogues for the last eight years, since the time of Cornelius, the first Gentile to come into the Kingdom of Yeshua (Acts 10:1—11:18), and this is why he speaks of the Gentiles going, or rather continuing to go, to the synagogue (v. 21) to learn about the God of Israel and His ways of living out their faith in His Son (e.g. Sabbath, holy days and dietary laws).
Darryl Thomas Sr., Apostle, Founder and Senior Pastor of Kingdom Life Ministries, Int'l. in Talladega, Alabama USA wrote:
Hello Avram, I finally got my copy of ‘The Lifting of the Veil’…I started in the Introduction this morning with my Bible and highlighter, and the Introduction alone is worth the price of the book…Our love to you and Ruti. Shalom
Timothy Yosef Beukman, minister, Cape Town, South Africa wrote,
I have read many views on Acts 15 and never have I read what you wrote in your book. I have to commend your diligent research and understanding of this particular scripture. When I was in the church I never knew anything about the “first letter to the Gentiles.” Your understanding on this topic far supersedes many messianic teachers and pastors alike. As I read it and came to understand that the four rules are a representative whole, it blew my mind away. I have used your book as a teaching tool within our small group and it has been a success…Your layout and interaction with the material is great. You have taught me a lot with your understanding and the help of the Ruach. Coming out of the church and seminary and seeing how things have been twisted first hand, and having this book and the understanding you bring out on the four rules has laid a whole new foundation for me. I am sad to say, though, that many well meaning Messianics have also missed the point in their explanations. This was a great book! Thank you so much!
Curt, in the USA, wrote:
Just finished The Lifting of the Veil. One of the most well written books I have ever read. I was tremendously Blessed!
Tony Kniffen of Indianapolis, Indiana USA, said,
Thank you very much for continuing to answer questions. I find ‘The Lifting of the Veil’ extraordinary. It's extremely thorough in defining the words and issues in play in the Jerusalem Council's decision to write such a brief letter to the Gentiles in Antioch. By accessing so many different views on this passage from many well-known scholars, you build confidence that your solution is exhaustive and satisfying. You patiently explain why various answers to key questions brought out in these different views do not solve the mystery of the meaning of the letter. Clear interpretation of every word of the Biblical text makes the Bible come alive with great clarity. It is as if a veil really has been lifted.
David Robinson of Milton, Washington, USA, wrote,
I am about half-way through ‘The Lifting of the Veil,’ and what a life changing book this is! May the Truths spoken in it open eyes and hearts to the saving knowledge of Messiah.
Dee Williams of Mansfield, Ohio USA, commented,
I wanted to tell you that after finishing the book ‘The Lifting of The Veil,’ my understanding has been opened to many scriptures that seemed difficult. You have a unique gift for opening the scriptures to a very deep level. Thanks, also, for sharing your wisdom, knowledge and understanding with those of us who visit your website in search of truth. There is so much misinformation out there. Thank-you for all you do in and for Israel. Peace be unto you and Ruti.
Yakov Snyder of Mason, Ohio, USA wrote,
This book is by far the best on the subject of Torah and its relationship to the followers of Yeshua the Messiah, be they Jew or Gentile. The author looks deep into the meanings of key Greek and Hebrew words and phrases in both the New and Old Testaments and brings to light many things that shake the very foundations of modern Christian apologetics. Even the modern Church view on grounds for divorce is seen in an entirely different light! If you ever wondered why the Church threw out the Law, even though Jesus said He did not come to destroy the Law (Matthew 5:17-19), and Paul is recorded as righteously keeping the Law (Acts 21:24), as well as THOUSANDS of believers (Acts 21:20), then this book is perfect for you. No questions are left unanswered. This is truly a magnificent work! This book should be required reading in every church and Bible study group.
Bettye Horton of Batesville, Mississippi, USA said,
pssssssst…My Bill loves reading ya book!!!
Donna Klindt of Cody, Wyoming, USA wrote,
In the past few days I have read your book, ‘The Lifting of the Veil’ and could not but finish it this first ‘sitting.’ Are you familiar with Art Katz? Art had something he often said that has stuck with me, whether as a question or a statement: ‘What we hear (or read) should be an EVENT in our lives if it bears the words of life from our living God.’ Your book is an event in my life. It has been consuming and confirming and challenging, all at the same time. I have put it down for now, but will read it again soon. I must begin digesting the manna because it’s manna. So my view of Scripture has once again been changed by seeing words correctly. Interestingly, I knew what James taught the church all had to do with idolotry.…but the real understanding of what that meant was lacking. There has been a veil. I feel like it has been torn away and the light is too bright to look at all at once. Thank you, precious brother, thank you, and not just you, but our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Messiah.
Elizabeth Smit of Piketberg, South Africa wrote,
I do want to comment on your book, ‘The Lifting of the Veil.’ I have read (studied) it. What an incredible piece of work you have done on this! So informative, so thorough, and so eye-opening. How we Gentiles have strayed from the truth.
Samuel Maseru, pastor, Nairobi, Kenya wrote:
I thank God for you and what he is doing through you. This is a book I will keep close to myself. It is my prayer that the Lord will use this book to establish me in his holy faith, and also, that he will use it to take the veil from many, both Jew and Gentile. The Law is for the nations as well, they need to be taught how to walk and fully participate in a lifestyle that honors God. “He wanted the Gentiles to know there were red lines that could not be crossed–even under grace” pg. 14.
You have drawn the attention of the Church and some Messianic groups who are not sure, to reexamine themselves in regard to the Law of God. I was fully engaged as I read all through the pages of the book. Thank you.
Tienkie Erasmus, Pretoria, South Africa wrote:
Shalom Avram and Ruti, I really enjoy your letters of your outings and witnessing...they are so inspirational! Our group had a workshop where people (Christians) were invited. It was excellent. What I liked, and thought you might appreciate, is that one of the presenters had your book, that I am reading, there and was telling everyone that it is a ‘must read.’ I just thought I'd let you know about it! May you have a blessed week. Sincerely, Tienkie.
The Lifting of the Veil can also be read and/or downloaded for free here.
You can also read more comments about the The Lifting of the Veil here.
The Tabernacle of Moses:
A Picture of Heaven
The Tabernacle of Moses presents an astonishing picture of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Tabernacle was made by Israel, but designed by God (Ex. 25:8-10), and therefore, it reveals our God to us and His plan of salvation through Messiah Yeshua, and even more than that, it reveals Their intricate unity or oneness. From the four leading Tribes of Israel encircling the Tabernacle, which speak of the four major characteristics of Yeshua that the four Gospels present: Yeshua as the God-Man and the Servant-King, to the Veil that separated the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place, which pictured Yeshua's body that was torn for us that we might enter into the very Presence of the Living God (Mt. 27:51; Heb. 10:20), the Tabernacle of Moses offers a wealth of biblical and spiritual insights. (There are 20 individual teachings on seven CDs with eight original diagrams/pictures.)
Price: $60.00
(free shipping included)
Hebrew: The Lord's Way
Learn to read, write, speak and sing enough Hebrew in eight weeks to use in your reading and study of Scripture, and prayers/blessings before meals. For the person who doesn't have time to learn a language. All the material you'll need for the course is included. Oye! It's rumored that baby Moses learned this way! You'll love it! Great for home schoolers and children from 7 to 70.
Price: $50.00
(free shipping included)
Shark Bait! The Serpent in Israel
Four insightful messages on the holiness of Messiah Yeshua from a Hebraic perspective.
- The first CD is Shark Bait! The Serpent in Israel. It speaks of our family relationship to Israel's enemy Amalek (Ex. 17:8-16) and how to get out of Satan's vice-grip of condemnation.
- The second CD, The Essence of Moses' Holiness, reveals that Moses (Num. 12:3) was the closest figure in the Tanach (Old Testament) to the Person and character of Messiah Yeshua, and what true holiness is.
- The third CD, The Ultimate Test for God!, presents the binding of Isaac (Gen. 22:1-18) as the ultimate test…for God, and how the Holy Spirit has interwoven a picture of God's miraculous provision into the very fabric of the text.
- And the fourth CD, Sam the Rock Thrower–A Picture of Glory, has Avram sharing about a rock throwing time of witnessing in Israel that paves the way for why Yeshua washed the feet of His followers at His last Passover and its relationship to our priesthood (John 13:1-17).
Avram has spoken more than 500 times in various assemblies and has given these messages to many congregations over the years. They are the most powerful single teachings that the Lord Yeshua has given Avram to share with the Body of Messiah.
Price: $40.00
(free shipping included)
and other times of Witnessing in Israel
Avram and his wife Ruti lived in Israel for 16 years. During that time Avram witnessed to thousands of Israelis in personal evangelism, one of whom was SAM, who almost killed Avram. Not every time of witnessing was that life threatening, but all of them were very special. SAM THE ROCK THROWER is a treasure chest of witnessing and biblical insights on Scripture. Avram also weaves his testimony throughout his times of witnessing, which makes it doubly rewarding because we see a man whose life is totally dedicated and surrendered to Yeshua, on his Journey into the Lord’s Refining Fire.
Avram and Ruti were arrested by the Israeli authorities, imprisoned for ten days and then deported from Israel in April 2013 because of their faith and love for Messiah Yeshua.
SAM THE ROCK THROWER can also be read and/or downloaded for free here.